OCTOBER NEWS: Fear of Disappearance, currently on display as part of Making Space exhibition by WALPH Collective at The Gallery at the Library at Willesden Green (26.09.15-2.11.15), will be next shown as part of bookRoom Press stand at Small Publishers' Fair (Friday 6th and Saturday 7th Nov 2015 - 11am to 7pm ).
As part of the fair’s events programme http://smallpublishersfair.co.uk/readings-launches/
Sat 7th, 1.50pm, BROCKWAY ROOM
bookRoom launch Code-X Paper, Ink, Pixel and Screen
With Danny Aldred, Michael Hampton, Stefan Szczelkun, Emmanuelle Waeckerle, Maria White.
Edited by Danny Aldred and Emmanuelle Waeckerlé, with a foreword by Alessandro Ludovico and endnotes by John Warwicker. Code—X, brings together a selection of projects and personal histories of the current transforming and expanding of publishing and the book medium. http://www.thebookroom.net/code-x/
Sat 7th, 1 pm, BROCKWAY ROOM
Uniformbooks launch of Emmanuelle Waeckerle’s Reading (Story of) O and Michael Hampton’s Unshelfmarked. Reconceiving the Artists’ Book.
The Small Publishers’ Fair is an annual celebration of books by contemporary artists, poets, writers and book designers held in central London’s; Over 60 publishers and artists from around the world, readings and talks, thousands of books at great prices, FREE entry, beautiful and historic venue in the heart of Bloomsbury. http://smallpublishersfair.co.uk
bookRoom @ at UCA Farnham focuses on critical and practice based research in digital analogue and hybrid formats through a number of interrelated activities; publishing, conferences, exhibitions, a collection and postgraduate research. http://thebookroom.net http://facebook.com/bookroompress
AUGUST NEWS: Happy to announce that Fear of Disappearance will be first shown in its entirety, including the artist book (limited edition of 40 copies), a zine (edition of 100) and a book sculpture (mild steel, concrete, aluminium, laser engraved perspex, edition of 3) as part of London Art Book Fair at the Whitechapel Gallery. Find it at the bookRoom Press table 10th-13th of September 2015.
JULY NEWS: Happy to finally sit down and write an epilogue to the Fear of Disappearance production period. The project research and development stage was successfully completed in the last week of April.The outcomes included an artist book (limited edition of 40 copies), a zine (edition of 100) and a book sculpture (mild steel, concrete, aluminium, laser engraved perspex, edition of 3).

Apart from the printed side of the Fear of Disappearance project, I was also developing a book sculpture object in collaboration with my partner Che Kevlin. Engaging in the dialogue on the future of still photography in a digital age, the resulting art work reflects my preoccupation with the construction, form, and physicality of a book. My influences here included the exhibition Unbinding the Book commissioned by Blurb and Jotta (2014), works in aluminium by Lygia Clark, Amnesiac Patina by Llane Lang, Spatial Composition 2 (1928) by Katarzyna Kobro.
The viewer is encouraged to tactilely engage with the bookwork and is allowed to remove and place back, or even rearrange the order of the laser engraved pages.
On the 7th of May the sculpture and the artist edition were first previewed as part of Chat/1 work-in-progress showcase organized by I’m not done artist, and was shown at The Archive Gallery of The Rose Lipman Centre in De Beauvoir Town, London.
Zine Format: Soft cover (235 gm Pergamenata Fedrigoni, off-machine laminated, Pearl Silver). Type of paper: Freelife Cento Binding: Hand Sewn Pamphlet Stitch Size: A5 Number of pages: 52 Type of printing: digital Number of pictures: 31 Buy online option can be found at the following link.
One of the most exciting events of May for me was Offprint at Tate Modern, where the artist edition of the book was shown along with Akina Books recent projects. Very grateful to Nadia Nervo for such a lovely tweet about it.
One of my fave art book by @MariyaUstymenko #AkinaBooks #OffprintLondon @Tate pic.twitter.com/kGRNxuk9pH
— nadia nervo (@nadiannart) May 24, 2015
APRIL NEWS: Time for the big news. Very pleased to say that, fingers crossed, Fear of Disappearance is finally moving from the drawing board to the domain of the material. Here is a sneaky peak into the dummy production (the first artist proof produced last Saturday at AKINA Factory London).
Further images are available on Facebook. Please, click on the following link to access the relevant post.
An artist hand-bound edition (x40) with perspex and aluminium cover will be accompanied my a limited edition print zine and a sculpture. The sculpture and the book will be first shown on the 7th of May as part of Chat/1 at The Rose Lipman Building, N1 5SQ, organised by I'm Not Done project. Event time 7 – 9pm. Facebook Event.
The artist edition and the zine will be first available to view (and the zine to buy) at the Alternative Takeover 2015 at the First Publications Corner, on the 9th of May, from 12pm to 7pm at 47/49 Tanner Street, London SE1 3PL. Facebook Event.
Further news include: Several images from the Fear of Disappearance series have been recently featured in the first issue of Cracking Twigs zine by Fabrizio Musu. The zine is currently available directly from the publisher. I was recently invited to take part in the newly established member-led network Preto Collective initiated by The Unknown Books publishing house. An offer I have gladly accepted. New publication to see light this summer. My own small publishing output in the role of an editor came from the printers last week in the form of a joint publication by Adventitious (UK) and I Think We Are Alone (DE). The zine is called I Think We Are Adventitious and features the work of Masha Svyatogor, Margaret Durow, and Leanne Surfleet Photography.
For more regular updates, please, stop by my Facebook and Twitter over the following few weeks. April and May promise to be an extremely busy and exciting period. Do hope to see some of you at the upcoming public events. More to be announced very soon.

Images of the first finished dummy of Fear of Disappearance to follow in my next post, stay tuned. Meanwhile, below is the video memento from the State of Origin exhibition at Unit24 Gallery on Vimeo:
NOVEMBER NEWS: November has been an extremely busy but very enjoyable month. Lots of effort went into the preparation for the State of Origin show at Unit24 Gallery and I am happy to share a few images from this prep here.
I am very grateful to my creative partner Che Kevlin for his unwavering support and mounting expertise. As part of the show, my photoseries-in-progress Fear of Disappearance was presented publicly for the very first time. The series was showcased alongside the work of ten very talented artists, who presented a very different approach to the theme of wayfaring and migration set by the curators Gosia Fricze and Marco Sebastiano Alessi.
After testing the waters with my early ideas during Brighton ArtsForum Feedback Circle in October and the initial consultation with AKINA earlier in the month, the decision was made to 'expose' the mounting process when framing the works on aluminium, as this material is frequently used for the exhibition purposes but is often hidden from sight by the edge to edge print-mounting. Above is an example from this experiment in progress, the final results of which can still be viewed at the Unit 24 until the 9th of December 2014.
If you missed the opening night, a very nice video from the event has been posted earlier today by the gallery team. It can be viewed on Facebook. Some photo documentation of the event can be also found here.
To commemorate the opening, I have designed and printed a small edition catalog folio that is currently available as a give-away at Unit 24 (another valid reason to check out the exhibition while the show is still on and the copies last ;). The folios were also presented at the Small Publishers' Fair Conway Hall as well as at the Sussex Book Art Collective bi-monthly meeting in Brighton, which took place the following week-end. A terrific illustrated account of the latter by the artist Annie Kerr can be found by clicking on the link below.
What's next? I am planning to turn into a bit of a hermit in December going through and editing out the new material created during this autumn, working away under the guidance of Valentina Abenavoli and Alex Bocchetto of AKINA Factory (still find it hard to believe how lucky I am to be mentored by these guys because they are truly amazing and great fun!). By the way, AKINA are holding an intensive three day photobook making workshop next week as part of Radical Matter series by GOMMA titled Ways to make a photobook that doesn't fall apart. Places are limited, and one can apply to participate by the 29th of November (the workshop days are 5-7th of December).
Thanks again for following my monthly / bimonthly reports. Wishing you great winter holidays (a bit early but hey! it's a nice thought and something to look forward to)! Speak to you in 2015.
After testing the waters with my early ideas during Brighton ArtsForum Feedback Circle in October and the initial consultation with AKINA earlier in the month, the decision was made to 'expose' the mounting process when framing the works on aluminium, as this material is frequently used for the exhibition purposes but is often hidden from sight by the edge to edge print-mounting. Above is an example from this experiment in progress, the final results of which can still be viewed at the Unit 24 until the 9th of December 2014.
If you missed the opening night, a very nice video from the event has been posted earlier today by the gallery team. It can be viewed on Facebook. Some photo documentation of the event can be also found here.
To commemorate the opening, I have designed and printed a small edition catalog folio that is currently available as a give-away at Unit 24 (another valid reason to check out the exhibition while the show is still on and the copies last ;). The folios were also presented at the Small Publishers' Fair Conway Hall as well as at the Sussex Book Art Collective bi-monthly meeting in Brighton, which took place the following week-end. A terrific illustrated account of the latter by the artist Annie Kerr can be found by clicking on the link below.
What's next? I am planning to turn into a bit of a hermit in December going through and editing out the new material created during this autumn, working away under the guidance of Valentina Abenavoli and Alex Bocchetto of AKINA Factory (still find it hard to believe how lucky I am to be mentored by these guys because they are truly amazing and great fun!). By the way, AKINA are holding an intensive three day photobook making workshop next week as part of Radical Matter series by GOMMA titled Ways to make a photobook that doesn't fall apart. Places are limited, and one can apply to participate by the 29th of November (the workshop days are 5-7th of December).
Thanks again for following my monthly / bimonthly reports. Wishing you great winter holidays (a bit early but hey! it's a nice thought and something to look forward to)! Speak to you in 2015.
OCTOBER NEWS: Really enjoyed the experience of invigilating
bookRoom table at this year's London Art Book Fair at the Whitechapel Gallery, and now would be a good time to share some upcoming events (announced in good time this time!).First of all, really pleased and proud to have two of my images selected by the judges, Thornston Moore and Anne Bourgeois-Vignon, to be shown as part of Night Contact screening during this year Brighton Photo Biennial. The event will take place on Saturday, the 18th of October, location: Jubilee Square Brighton, time: 6pm - 11pm.
Also, new work from my Fear of Disappearance project, supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England will be first shown very soon (this November) as part of the group exhibition titled State of Origin at Unit24 Gallery London. The exhibition will run between the 13th of November and the 9th of December. The poster is already here so am really pleased to share it.
Last but not least, five of my works from Motion and Silence series will be displayed as part of the Third Annual Photography Exhibition at the TriSpace Gallery titled More Than One Point In Space. The show will run from the 7th until the 11th of November. Opening night: November 6, 2014. Hope to see you there if you are in town.
SEPTEMBER NEWS: I am very excited to announce that my new project titled Fear of Disappearance has been awarded Grants for the Arts research and development funding by Arts Council England.
Fear of Disappearance sets out to explore the
notion of identity in relation to urban landscape, produced as a
technically challenging book-object that will encompass elements of
photography, sculpture, and print.
The new photographic work-in-progress associated with the project will be first shown as part of the group exhibition titled State of Origin at Unit24 Gallery London. The exhibition will run between the 13th of November and the 9th of December this year.
I am also very pleased to draw your attention to the news that the US-based indie publishers Empty Strech are
currently taking over a space in Brooklyn for the month of September. One of my prints will be exhibited and sold as part of their Hell & Gone event: Perfect Wasn't Bad Part 2 taking place on September the 20th. Further information about the event, its time and location, can be found by following the Facebook link below.
Back in London, five of my works from Motion and Silence series will be displayed as part of the Third Annual Photography Exhibition at the TriSpace Gallery titled More Than One Point In Space. The show will run from the 7th until the 11th of November. Opening night: November 6, 2014. Hope to see you there if you are in town.
Back in London, five of my works from Motion and Silence series will be displayed as part of the Third Annual Photography Exhibition at the TriSpace Gallery titled More Than One Point In Space. The show will run from the 7th until the 11th of November. Opening night: November 6, 2014. Hope to see you there if you are in town.
AUGUST NEWS: I am pleased to realise that my last update for this summer promises to be quite a substantial one with quite a bit of good news coming from a few different directions. First of all, I am really excited about my coming up residency with bookRoom Farnham due to start in a few weeks from now in September and last untill August 2015.
bookRoom provides unique facilities that combine traditional print and production technology with the latest digital developments and offers opportunities to experiment with designs and processes in a specialist environment set to encourage research, experimentation and innovation in artist book production.
As part of my time at the press, I aim to produce a sculptural photobook under the working title Fear of Disappearance. The book will set out to explore the notion of identity in relation to space and architectural landscape.

I am very grateful to The Eaton Fund for contributing financial support to this project, the latter
going towards the project materials. The project related events and exhibitions are due to start in late Spring 2015. I am very much open to collaboration with other photographers on this project and am also very interested in the potential of working with the visual artists with background in architecture, people with research interest in environmental psychology, as well as the sound artists who currently work on sites in South East and North East of London. If you are interested in the potential of contributing/ collaborating on the project or have someone in mind who would be, please do not hesitate to contact me direct or pass this information on.

Berlin-based indie publisher I Think We Are Alone Now is due to release its third issue next month. The zine will include photographs from my series Kievbound as well as a substantial interview covering this particular series.
An interview featuring the work from my Motion and Silence series has been freshly released by black and white photography website Not Even Sepia and I am very pleased to share it with you here.
Last but not least, I was very excited to learn that US based Empty Strech that featured my work in their previous Petty Thieves publication as well as published a wonderful review of my book Kievbound are
taking over a space in Brooklyn for the month of September and going
to have two public zine events there on September 11-13, September 18-20, and an exhibition on September 25. I have been invited to participate and will be posting further event updates on my Facebook Page shortly.
JULY NEWS: It has been a busy two months since my last update here in May. My work was selected for the third issue of Find Rangers Camera Club: Smoke and Mirrors, launched on the 12th of July at Book & Job Gallery, San Francisco. The zine can now be ordered online by following the link below.
Straybooksfest has been a definite highlight of my June, with three absolutely wonderful days dedicated to photobooks and people who make them, while both Adventitious and Kievbound have now officially joined the Zines of the Zone travelling library.

Straybooksfest has been a definite highlight of my June, with three absolutely wonderful days dedicated to photobooks and people who make them, while both Adventitious and Kievbound have now officially joined the Zines of the Zone travelling library.

And if you are in London this week-end do check the Copeland Book Market (July 25-27, 2014) where Antler Press is represented by Trolley Books. And the stuff I have not advertised here but should have advertised was a networking event organized on the 17th of July by Inovi and gallery Number 57 in South East London. I was invited to make a short presentation about my work and current projects and I was very much blown away by some of the extremely talented people presenting the same night, links to their work can be found by hovering over the presenters' names in the event link provided earlier, or by clicking here.
After a short summer break Inovi resume their monthly events in September so it is definitely worth subscribing to their newsletter if you are an artist working in the South East or would like to follow the work of the artists working in the area.
I am planning a substantial blog update in August with some detailed news on the project I am proud to be undertaking with the bookRoom Press, Farnham starting from September. For now I would just like to share an image of the bookRoom artist Amanda Couch doing a performance reading on her book Reflection on Digestion, among the four artist books' selections by the bookRoom artists, presented at this years KALEID editions. Four bookRoom press publications selected for KALEID 2014 included books by Simon Aeppli, Amanda Couch, Nicky Hamlyn, and Emmanuelle Waeckerle.
MAY NEWS: Pleased to say that you can now see my work as part of the West London Collective show at the W3 Gallery (nearest overground station: Acton Central). The exhibition opened yesterday and will run until Sunday 1st of June 2014. You can find the gallery on Facebook if you'd like to check for further event announcements and gallery opening times.

I must admit I feel guilty for getting slow with updating this section of my blog as I have now slowly relocated to my new Cargo website where you can now see the upcoming events in the Artist CV section. Yet I am still planning to use this blog as a diary so please do stay with me.
One important upcoming event I feel criminal not to advertise in advance is the upcoming Straybookfest. The festival is the London Photo-Zine and Books event, organised by AkinaBooks for the London (last) stop of the European tour of ZINES OF THE ZONE mobile library. A free 2 days fair will focus on photo zines and independent photobooks, rooted in DIY practice. The festival runs from Friday 13 to Saturday 14 June.
I am now also working on my next book project with the working title Fear of Disappearance with some major updates (which I am very excited about) to be made here in mid-June. More news, more pictures and more event links to be added within the next four weeks x

There is a date for the diary, too. One of my works is included in the upcoming Eccentric exhibition at The Regent, Islington.
7 seconds is generally the length of time it takes a person to judge another, without even being aware of it. This collection of photographs included in the show is a celebration of those people that broke the mold.
Exhibition will run until May 2014 The Regent Pub- Islington 201 Liverpool Road, London N1 1LX.
You can RSCP to the event via Facebook, or follow on Twitte (Twitter /LHR_Exhibitions).
DECEMBER NEWS: Proud to be part of the ARTEFACTS, a group show featuring the work of Tim Bradshaw, Carolyn Chapman, Jolanta Dolewska, Jonathan Duckworth, Sebastian Edge, Gabriel Vigo, Vish and Tereza Zelenkova, organized by the North London Darkroom.
The exhibition pays homage to the beauty and processes of black and white analogue photography and darkroom printing techniques. The eight photographers in Artefacts have different working methods and pictorial modes, ranging from abstract to representational, but all share a concern with the creation of an object of a tactile nature.
Artefacts inaugurates the North London Darkroom public programme of annual exhibitions. My work is exhibited together with the winning pictures from the North London Darkroom Black and White Photo Contest, together with the works of Miisha Ayana, Jessica Jane Charleston, Toby Deveson, Benjamin Ellsworth, Kathryn Faulkner, Teresa Manero, and Stephanie Rose Wood.
The exhibition is on 6 - 12, December 2013 / 10am-6pm. Held at The Rag Factory, 16-18 Heneage Street, London E1 5LJ.
OCTOBER NEWS: After a long break here are my most significant updates, a summary of key events that took place this summer / autumn.
Firstly, I am proud to say that this July I graduated from the University of Essex, earning my Doctor of Philosophy degree from the Department of Literature, Film, and Theatre Studies. Hurray!
Over the summer period my images were printed in Canadian SEITIES Magazine (cover image right: Isa Marcelli) and Russian Foto & Video, as well as appeared on several online photographic platforms, such as Shooting Film, CZE Magazine, Analog Advocates, and le negatif.
I am very pleased to say that the zine of my solo work Kievbound published by Antler Press has received positive feedback. Most recent review appeared this month, written by Nate Grann for Empty Stretch. You may also find an interview about the publication on We Are Drifters platform, curated and edited by Elisa Nelissen.
The exhibition pays homage to the beauty and processes of black and white analogue photography and darkroom printing techniques. The eight photographers in Artefacts have different working methods and pictorial modes, ranging from abstract to representational, but all share a concern with the creation of an object of a tactile nature.
The exhibition is on 6 - 12, December 2013 / 10am-6pm. Held at The Rag Factory, 16-18 Heneage Street, London E1 5LJ.

Firstly, I am proud to say that this July I graduated from the University of Essex, earning my Doctor of Philosophy degree from the Department of Literature, Film, and Theatre Studies. Hurray!
Over the summer period my images were printed in Canadian SEITIES Magazine (cover image right: Isa Marcelli) and Russian Foto & Video, as well as appeared on several online photographic platforms, such as Shooting Film, CZE Magazine, Analog Advocates, and le negatif.
I am very pleased to say that the zine of my solo work Kievbound published by Antler Press has received positive feedback. Most recent review appeared this month, written by Nate Grann for Empty Stretch. You may also find an interview about the publication on We Are Drifters platform, curated and edited by Elisa Nelissen.
The highlight of the past few months, however, is a hands on developing and printing experience, kindly provided by Punktum and North London Darkroom. Held on the 20th of October, it was a Sunday of fun and inspiration in a highly supportive atmosphere, short video below:
MAY NEWS: May feels like a publication month to me! First of all, I am very proud to present a zine of my solo work titled Kievbound published by Antler Press. It was quite exhilarating opening the package today with five copies sent by the publisher Oliver Udy.
The book is black and white throughout and presents an edited sequence from my early work shot in Kiev, Ukraine (2003-2007), using two Soviet, fully manual mechanical cameras, Kiev-19 and Lubitel-2. The book can now be bought directly from Antler Press online store.
I am also pleased to say that the zine Adventitious, which we launched last month is selling well. There are still a few copies available online, and if you are based in London, you can now find it at the Brick Lane BOOKSHOP (166 Brick Lane, London, E1 6RU).
Apart from this, my series Motion and Silence has been selected for publication by Prism Magazine, the leading Irish online publication dedicated to contemporary photography.
APRIL NEWS: I am very pleased to announce that the zine Adventitious, co-edited with Carlos Cancela Pinto is now available to order online.
The first volume features four photographic portfolios created to meet the brief "Home," set by our guest curator Igor Termenón.
You may preview a selection of images from the first volume by clicking on the Adventitious photoalbum on Facebook. Image above (c) Adventitious (c) Carla Andrade
MARCH NEWS: Spring brings quite a few exciting news on the publishing front. I am very pleased to announce that the zine Adventitious, co-edited with Carlos Cancela Pinto is within the final week of production.

The first volume features four photographic portfolios created to meet the brief "Home," set by our guest curator Igor Termenón. The volume will come out in the first small edition of 30 copies, and will be available to preorder shortly.
You may preview a selection of images from the first volume by clicking on the image above, which will take you to the Adventitious photoalbum on Facebook.
Apart from this, I am very excited to be cooperating with Oliver Udy of Antler Press on a monograph documentary zine of my early black and white work. More news to follow soon.
In post scriptum, I am pleased to share the news that Square Magazine latest issue Toy Camera features one of my Lubitel-2 images "Catching Flies /The Escape Artist," created for Projection of Circumstance performance company (see page 97). You may enjoy the issue free of charge by viewing it in its entirety on ISSUU or downloading it in .pdf format.
DECEMBER NEWS: After a quiet month of November, the holiday season appears to be packed with exciting updates.
First of all, I am very pleased to announce that my work has been included in this year's CHRISTMAS POP-UP EXHIBITION: Affordable Art At The Brick Lane Gallery.
The show showcases 100 individual works by selected artists, and includes prints, posters, photographs, original illustrations, sculptures, and cards, presented salon-style. All artworks are priced between £150 or less, offering a perfect opportunity to get remarkable gifts for family and friends.
The sale and the exhibition take place between 12 December - 5 January 2012 at The Brick Lane Gallery in Shoreditch. You are warmly invited to the Christmas party and opening night, Wednesday 12 December 6-8.30 pm.
The Brick Lane Gallery 12/12/12 from Mariya Ustymenko on Vimeo.
I am also very proud to say that my work has been included in Issue 10 of Rooms Magazine: art uncovered, available in print and online. The official launch of Rooms 10 takes place on Friday (7 December) at No Format Gallery, in collaboration with Ben Oakley Gallery (Second Floor Studios & Arts, Harrington Way, London, SE18 5NR).
The electronic version of the issue, displayed above, can also be accessed by clicking on the following link. Please, do take a peak at this visual treat.
SEPTEMBER NEWS: I am very excited to invite you to the BrightonArtsFORUM 2.0, an exhibition showcasing the work of previous Brighton ArtsFORUM presenters and fascilitators, I am proud to be a part of.
The exhibition takes place Oct 5 – Oct 17
Opening times: 10am – 5pm
Opening times: 10am – 5pm
Location: Brighton Media Centre Gallery, 15–17 Middle St, BN1 1AL
I will be there for the private view, which will take place on the day of the official launch of this year's Brighton Photo Fringe, and it will be wonderful to meet. The event is scheduled for Oct. 6, 6pm – 9pm
Artists talks will be hosted in the Gallery on Oct. 13 at 2.30pm. Please, feel welcome to join.
More news: I am pleased to announce that the zine Adventitious co-edited with wonderful Carlos Cancela Pinto has been officially launched at the beginning of this month. You can read about the upcoming Vol. 1 by clicking here. Looking forward to working on the issue! You may follow our progress on Tumblr as well as on Facebook.
AUGUST NEWS: I am very excited to draw your attention to the new feature offered on the blogbeing the Buy Prints page. Here you may now find a selection of images from the Motion and Silence set available in first edition of 10 printed at 8" x 8".
To mark the launch of the online store option, I am holding a give-away draw on my Facebook Page open for participation till the 28th of August 2012. To participate, please, click here for further details.
I would also like to draw your attention to Elbow Room Vol. 1, a zine publication by AYUpublishing which saw light this weekend. The volume contains several images from the Motion and Silence set and is printed in the limited edition of 25 copies. To order a copy, please, click here.

More news: I have started a personal account on Cargocollective, where I am planning to store finished portfolios as well as portfolios approaching completion. You can currently find Private Places and Motion and Silence ready for view.
My work in progress can now be found on my Facebook page as well as, in a less sorted form, on Flickr.
Also, watch out this space for news on the new analogue photography print zine, started together with a wonderful Portuguese photographer Carlos Cancela Pinto.

Motion and Silence series is featured in the July issue of 180 magazine alongside seven diverse and insial thanks to Kim Taylor.
I have started a personal account on Cargocollective, where I am planning to store finished portfolios as well as portfolios approaching completion. You can currently find Private Places and Motion and Silence ready for view.
My work in progress can now be found on my Facebook page as well as, in a less sorted form, on Flickr.
Watch out for the new issue of The Shot Irelands Photography Magazine to be published later today (05.06.2012)! I am very proud to have my portfolio Private Places featured in Issue 7 appearing along so many worderful works. By clicking on the image below you'll be taken to the magazine in its downloadable pdf format.
Further development: The website is to undergo changes in the next few weeks, slideshows and video work (accompanied by artist's statements will replace the Print Collection section). You may currently view Private Places photofilm aspart of this new addition to the blog. And, of course, Motion and Silence showreel is on its way!
I am also pleased to announce that two images of the Motion and Silence set were included this month in the issue 52 of F-Stop Group Exhibition.
Separate section is to appear dedicated specifically to printed matter (books and zine publications available for online order).
Cover Design: Che Kevlin
Introduction: Mariya Ustymenko
Press: Print Essex
Publication date: 2012
Place of publication: Colchester, Essex
Edition size: 50
Format: Softcover
Size: 8.3" x 5.8"
Number of pages: 24
Number of images: 15
Type of printing: Printed Digitally in Black Throughout
Type of paper: 140 gsm Gloss Coated (50:50 recycled)
I am happy to be part of the annual Lenscratch Favorite Photographs Exhibition which this year is a FIVE post showcase, so keep scrolling after the first post! Enjoy and happy New Year to all!

Last Thursday (October 6, 2011) I was honored to document Tmesis Teatre Company's 5th production, work-in-progress Wolf Red at Liverpool Community College. Please, click on the image below to view more images from the shoot.
I am now on Facebook. My Facebook Photography Page will be dedicated to work in progress, current and on going projects and the development of new sets and collections. Welcome!

I am pleased to be part of Outside 11 this August. Outside 11 is executed as part of The Cross Mentoring Scheme bringing together two practitioners in the field of arts to collaborate in devising an exhibition. Outside 11: Artist as Outsider is devised and curated by Lisa Temple-Cox, a tenant artist at Cuckoo Farm Studios, and Katia Denysova, an emerging curator from the Center for Curatorial Studies at the University of Essex. Outside 11: Artist as Outsider aims to explore alterations in artistic practice as produced by migration, clash of traditions and cultural identities through an examination of East Anglia's international artistic community. This endeavor is fulfilled by presenting new site-specific artworks from international artists residing locally and existing pieces from East Anglian artists who have relocated abroad. Participating Artists: Jeremy Blank Farrago Patrick Loan NOMATTSLAND (aka Matt Bailey) Mariya Ustymenko Marina Velez Vago.
My photograph On Marc Chagall, Snow Shuffling and the City, has been published in SHOTS Magazine 25th Anniversary Issue No. 112 - Summer 2011. To take a peak, please, click on the image of page 10.
On Marc Chagall, Snow Shuffling and the City is the image on top, while below you may see the work of John Galayda, Tools of My Father, 2010. To follow SHOTS Magazine on Facebook, please, click here. To order the current issue or subscribe, please, click here.
Finding Lost Time previewed at Bank Street Arts, Sheffield, yesterday (May 26th 2011), sharing the opening with 'Quadraphonic', a sound-art based exhibition.
Projection of Circumstance video art "Dialogues in Motion" has been selected for Lomofest installation in Kiev, 13 - 15 May, 2011. Photo courtesy: Yaroslav Debelyi (c).
Tuesday 5 to Monday 25 April 2011 my solo show "1956 and ever after" at the Digby Gallery, Mercury Theatre, Colchester.
The work presented at the exhibition is inspired by Arthur Miller's “A view from the Bridge”, a two act play set in 1950's America, touching upon one man's experience of jealousy and unrecognised emotions, driving the play to its dramatic yet unavoidable climax. The series of photographs chosen for the show draw from the 50's iconographic Hollywood imagery, exploring femininity and nostalgia, domesticity and desire, the everyday reality of the household and the extraordinary land of dreams. The current production is about things unattainable.
Click here to follow this event on Facebook.
Finding Lost Time Barcelona projections to be screened tonight (March 12, 2011) as part of Format International Photography Festival Slideslam!
Exciting news - two shows in April! Apart from my solo exhibition at the Digby Gallery at the Mercury Theatre, scheduled to run between the 6th of April and the 25th of April 2011 (more information with relevant links to follow), Finding Lost Time was invited to show at the Edge Hill University gallery from Monday April the 4th till Friday April the 15th. For further updates on the show, please, follow our new development - Finding Lost Time on Facebook.
Tomorrow, Jan 6, 2011, SLACK SPACE COLCHESTER launches a new exhibition "Potential". The gallery is open Weds - Sat 11am - 6pm, come and check my work included in this show;) Some photos of the exhibition can be currently viewed at the EVENTS section of this site.
This update is about the upcoming SLACK SPACE ART AUCTION on Sunday 28 November 2010 at 6.30pm.
The auction itself will run from 7pm – 9pm. From 9pm onwards the organizers invite you to stay around and listen to some great music from popular local folk band The Medlars.
First show will take place in Sefton Botanic Gardens Museum and will run between 29th Jan 2011 - 20th Feb 2011 as part of the Finding Lost Time project.
Now you can find Finding Lost Time at Barcelona album in Terra de Ningu gallery.
On Thurs 16th September there will be a Finding Lost Time multimedia event at the Can Basté centre in Barcelona to promote the Finding Lost Time book in Spain.
1 Queen Street, Colchester:

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Please, see below one of the sets I am working on as a long term project which I am planning to develop over the next two years. It is called "Motion and Silence." More information about the project can be found on my new Facebook page.
I'm proud to present EXPOSURE 37, an all photography exhibition co-curated with David Ian Ross for the Slack Space Colchester. The show runs between September 14th and October 1st, 2011. More detailed information about the show can be found here.
Just a quick reminder that Outside 11: Artist as Outsider is running now - open to visitors every weekend till the 11th of September 2011. Please visit, enjoy the weather, check wonderful work and give feedback. See above, a little preview pick of "Contr-Addiction: The Silent Art of Observing" by night. My huge gratitude goes to Che Kevlin, for all his help, with planning and developing this site-specific work. Details about the Closing Party which will take place on the 9th of September will follow shortly.

I am pleased to be part of Outside 11 this August. Outside 11 is executed as part of The Cross Mentoring Scheme bringing together two practitioners in the field of arts to collaborate in devising an exhibition. Outside 11: Artist as Outsider is devised and curated by Lisa Temple-Cox, a tenant artist at Cuckoo Farm Studios, and Katia Denysova, an emerging curator from the Center for Curatorial Studies at the University of Essex. Outside 11: Artist as Outsider aims to explore alterations in artistic practice as produced by migration, clash of traditions and cultural identities through an examination of East Anglia's international artistic community. This endeavor is fulfilled by presenting new site-specific artworks from international artists residing locally and existing pieces from East Anglian artists who have relocated abroad. Participating Artists: Jeremy Blank Farrago Patrick Loan NOMATTSLAND (aka Matt Bailey) Mariya Ustymenko Marina Velez Vago.
On Marc Chagall, Snow Shuffling and the City is the image on top, while below you may see the work of John Galayda, Tools of My Father, 2010. To follow SHOTS Magazine on Facebook, please, click here. To order the current issue or subscribe, please, click here.
Finding Lost Time previewed at Bank Street Arts, Sheffield, yesterday (May 26th 2011), sharing the opening with 'Quadraphonic', a sound-art based exhibition.
Projection of Circumstance video art "Dialogues in Motion" has been selected for Lomofest installation in Kiev, 13 - 15 May, 2011. Photo courtesy: Yaroslav Debelyi (c).
Finding Lost Time will be at Bank Street Arts, Sheffield this summer.
The show previews on Thurs 26th May at 6.30pm but can be seen from Mon 23rd.
Bank Street Arts is here and updates can be found on the Finding Lost Time Facebook page.
Just a quick reminder, Finding Lost Time exhibition is open till Friday, 15th of April, at the Edge Hill University, Liverpool. Please, come and see if you are in the area this week.
Tuesday 5 to Monday 25 April 2011 my solo show "1956 and ever after" at the Digby Gallery, Mercury Theatre, Colchester.

Click here to follow this event on Facebook.
Finding Lost Time Barcelona projections to be screened tonight (March 12, 2011) as part of Format International Photography Festival Slideslam!
Exciting news - two shows in April! Apart from my solo exhibition at the Digby Gallery at the Mercury Theatre, scheduled to run between the 6th of April and the 25th of April 2011 (more information with relevant links to follow), Finding Lost Time was invited to show at the Edge Hill University gallery from Monday April the 4th till Friday April the 15th. For further updates on the show, please, follow our new development - Finding Lost Time on Facebook.
Pin-hole documentation of the Botanic Gardens Museum show by Southport-based photographer Neill Cockwill. Click on the image for more;)
By clicking here you can now buy Finding Lost Time mounted prints as currently exhibited at Botanic Gardens Museum in Southport. Reportage shots from the opening reception will appear shortly in the EVENTS section.
The Botanic Gardens Museum show opens on the 29th of January 2011. The opening reception will take place 12 - 3 pm. Please, print the invite below for a free entry to the event. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Tomorrow, Jan 6, 2011, SLACK SPACE COLCHESTER launches a new exhibition "Potential". The gallery is open Weds - Sat 11am - 6pm, come and check my work included in this show;) Some photos of the exhibition can be currently viewed at the EVENTS section of this site.
This update is about the upcoming SLACK SPACE ART AUCTION on Sunday 28 November 2010 at 6.30pm.
The auction itself will run from 7pm – 9pm. From 9pm onwards the organizers invite you to stay around and listen to some great music from popular local folk band The Medlars.
The evening will also feature mulled wine, mince pies and a fundraising raffle. Please try and support Slack Space if you can.
I am pleased to announce three confirmed shows for the upcoming 2011:

Second show is a solo exhibition at the Digby Gallery at the Mercury Theatre, Colchester, scheduled for 6th Apr 2011 - 25th April 2011. Private View to be held on the 9th of Apr 2011 11.30am - 1.30pm.
Third show will be held at Bootle Town Hall Ballroom as part of the Finding Lost Time exhibition schedule, running between 17th Oct - 11th Nov 2011.
The event will feature projections of the works found in the book's published edition and will start with a talk by the book's editor, Andrew Conroy.
Starting time 20:00.
Organised by Terra de Ningu collective. Click here for a map.
Finding Lost Time is now available to order online!
For more information, please, visit the editor's website or the book's blog.
I feel very honoured to be part of this project and very grateful to Andrew Conroy for his dedicated work on the publication.
For more information, please, visit the editor's website or the book's blog.
I feel very honoured to be part of this project and very grateful to Andrew Conroy for his dedicated work on the publication.
This is not a very fresh piece of news but it is fresh to me so I would like to share it with those of you who have not yet passed by 1 Queen Street, Colchester, right by the main bus station and a short walk from the new Slack Space gallery. My poster is part of Slack Space "Art at the Heart" art trail and has been placed there in mid-April.
1 Queen Street, Colchester:

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